

Useful links for students of Patristics

bullet Rassegna degli Strumenti Informatici per lo Studio dell'Antichità Classica bulletCollection of links indispensable for the research in Antiquity (sources, translations, references on-line).
bulletChristian Classics Ethereal Library bulletEnglish translations of Patristic sources. bullet EarlyChurch.org.uk bulletEarly Church history. bullet Judaism and Christianity bulletSources and studies on Judaism  and Christianity. bulletPatrologia Latina Database Home Page bulletThe Migne Patrologia Latina bulletActa Sanctorum bulletAAS bulletEarly Christian Writings New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers bulletOnline and offline sources and secondary literature on pre-Constantinian Christendom




Last modified: 12.11.2018.